Please submit this form to request 45-day trial access for your library. You will be notified when your trial access has been enabled, and support materials will be provided to you. An institution may request no more than one 45-day trial in a 24-month period. As a general policy, usage statistics are not provided for trial access.

Please contact our Subscriber Support Dept. if you have any questions regarding trial access or require assistance with the online form. Please note that trial access is available to institutions only, not to individuals.

Type of Institution


Address Information

Access Information

If immediate access is selected, your trial will be enabled within two business days, barring any questions regarding your request or your technical details.

For Campus-Wide Access

*Examples of valid IP Ranges:

Single Station:

IP Range: -

Class B Networks: 128.220.*.*

Class C Networks: 210.45.198.*

Certain IP address ranges are specified for "private use," meaning they are only to be used for private networks (intranets) not connected to the public internet. We cannot enable access to private use IP addresses. Please do not submit IP addresses within the following ranges for your trial access -- access will not be granted to these IP addresses. - - -